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Telegram for Chat and Shows

You can use Telegram to chat and perform shows, but you need to take precautions to protect your privacy and avoid scams.

Edy avatar
Written by Edy
Updated today

Privacy Settings

To prevent privacy violations, update your Telegram settings:

Set a Public Username:

  • Open your Telegram app.

  • Tap the hamburger menu (☰) in the top left corner.

  • Click on "My Profile."

  • Tap the pencil icon to edit.

  • Scroll down to find "Username."

  • Choose a public name that customers can use to find you.

Hide Your Phone Number:

  • Open your Telegram app.

  • Tap the hamburger menu (☰) in the top left corner.

  • Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Phone Number

  • Under "Who can see my phone number", select Nobody.

  • Under "Who can find me by my number", select My contacts.

Avoiding Scams

Be aware that customers can delete conversations, leaving you without proof of service completion.

  • If using Telegram on desktop, click the three dots in the chat and export chat history after your show.

  • If using Telegram on mobile, take a screenshot of the call as proof.

  • Keep in mind that a customer may delete the chat before you can save it, so using Telegram involves some risk.

Disable Contact Sync (Mobile Only):

  • Android: Go to Settings > Privacy and Security, scroll to Contacts, and turn off Sync Contacts.

  • Iphone: Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Data settings, and turn off Sync Contacts.

Who can call you through Telegram?

By default, only your contacts can call you on Telegram. If you want to receive calls from SkyPrivate members, follow these steps:

  1. Open Telegram and tap the ☰ menu (three stripes) in the upper left corner.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Go to Privacy and Security.

  4. Under the Privacy section, tap Calls.

  5. In the Who can call me? section, choose Everybody.

I can’t answer calls on Telegram Desktop. What should I do?

If you’re unable to receive or answer calls on the Telegram desktop app, make sure the setting is enabled:

  1. Open Telegram on your desktop.

  2. Go to SettingsNotifications and Sounds.

  3. Scroll down to Calls and enable Accept calls on this device.

Once activated, you should be able to receive calls on your desktop.

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