Every new model starts with a 75% payout rate, but any model can also win an extra 6% money with our Extra 6% Referral Program, so they can have an 81% payout rate (default 75% + extra 6%).
How it works?
1. Log into your Model account and get your referral link from the tab Promote ⇒ Win Extra 6% Money
2. Give your referral link to a person to create a SkyPrivate member account
3. After that person creates a member account through your referral link, you will win extra 6% money for ALL THE PAYMENTS (calls, prepayments, tips, sold videos) you will have with that Member (LIFETIME)
4. All the extra money earned will go to a separate balance in your account, and you can withdraw it by going to Payments ⇒ Withdraw ⇒ Extra 6% Balance
5. If you work for a studio, all the extra 6% money you earn will go automatically to your studio.