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Invalid Skype ID error?
Edy avatar
Written by Edy
Updated over 4 months ago

Do you encounter the "Invalid Skype ID" error when logging into the pay-per-minute plugin?


That is because you entered the wrong Skype ID into your account.

    Do not worry, you can solve this matter within 2 minutes, by following the simple steps below 👇

    1. Find your Skype ID

    Log into your Skype application, click on your Skype picture, and then on the "Skype profile" button. A new window will pop up.

Scroll down a little, and you will see your Skype ID at "Skype Name"

     2. Change your Skype ID in your account

    After you see your Skype ID, copy it and then go to your SkyPrivate account, and in Settings ⇒ Services, click on the "Edit" button.

     Paste your Skype ID and then click on the "Save Changes" button. 

    3. After your Skype ID has been changed, open the plugin and assure that you correctly enter your Skype email / phone number (NOT SkyPrivate) and Skype password (NOT SkyPrivate)

Follow these 3 simple steps, and then you can log in to the plugin.

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